Once Upon A Time...
There was a farmer named Kelly (who didn't know she was a farmer yet) with a small patio, a few flower pots, and some lettuce seed. One day the farmer grew herself a salad and a pretty bunch of flowers for her table. Watching her food go from tiny seed to the dinner table was like the magic of a fairytale. Before long she was growing cut flowers, strawberries, tomatoes, herbs, squash, even eggs, that she had raised in the backyard. She grew as much as she could, in every available space to grow. The farmer had a dream to share the magic of her garden with all the land. So she did, and she called it the Fairytale Farmette. Thankfully that is not the end of the story...
Welcome to the Fairytale Farmette. Happily ever after for me is sharing the joy of raising flowers with my customers. I believe in small, local, and sustainable. I also feel a strong ethical responsibility to leave the space that I'm growing better than the way I found it. One of the best ways to meet those goals is to design all the parts on the Farmette to work together to reduce the need to bring in outside inputs like chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Being small allows me to get to know my customers too. Please don't hesitate to contact me by email at kelly@fairytalefarmette.com or drop on by the farmette stand to see for yourself why Small is Beautiful.


From Flower Bars to workshops, Fairytale Farmette is committed to providing sustainably grown, pollinator-friendly Maryland cut flowers.
Where to find us...
Visit the Farmette stand April-October to pick up a fresh market bouquet. Stop by our table at the Sunday Market at Honey's Harvest.
Events and more...
Beyond the bouquet Fairytale Farmette provides special event flowers, wedding florals, private workshops and flowers bars for your special event. Call Kelly at 202-297-2351 or choose the book online button to schedule a consultation.
Florists interested in sourcing local flowers from the Farmette, please call Kelly at 202-297-2351.

We take pride in our sustainable pollinator-friendly farming practices that ensure our flowers are not only beautiful but also good for the environment. Our flowers are grown without the use of harmful chemicals that impact the Maryland pollinator populations. Come and see for yourself why small, local, and sustainable is beautiful!